Extract the downloaded file to your desktop using WinRAR or any other archive sofware that handles.*** WARNING: This neighborhood is for The Sims: Castaway Stories only. I’m again glad to say that after spending a few hours writing down all the hidden and unlinked* Sims, deleting* them and fixing all the tiny details related to stories of various families (and checking spelling and rematching family ties* and EVERYTHING), I finally made a fixed template for Castaway Stories’ Felicity Island. To sort out further confusion, the protagonist of the story named the island “Felicity.” After the story has finished, it was illogical to leave out “Shipwrecked and Single” to be the island’s name, so I renamed it to Felicity. The same thing applies to Amanaki Tama and his family. Not to mention some illogical situations and glitches in the storylines of some families that live on the island example would be Fangaloka Manave - at the end of the story, he doesn’t seem to be related to his wife or his daughter in any way. It also included glitched Sims such as Poehina Vaianu, an adult male that looks like an elder female (no transphobia intended). It has bunch of inaccessible Sims that are hidden and glitchy and whatnot.įelicity Island, for example, included inaccessible Ottomai and bunch of random corrupted duplicates of Sims. Every neighborhood/island EAxis* ships is corrupted.